Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Howdy Ya'll! I am officially in Texas now! :) Well, I have been here for a little over a week, but it has been incredibly hectic. Dylan and I made the 16.5 hour drive here, which was long a grueling. We made a pit stop in El Paso, Texas to get some rest, but the next morning, we woke up and hit the road. We finally got in at about 9:30 PM. It felt good to walk into our home. OUR home! Now that we are finally here, things are definitely starting to come together! Here are some pictures of the new pad:

  Spare Bedroom:
Master Bedroom:
Upstairs Full Bathroom:
Office- The other half is FILLED with boxes... Don't ask:
Living Room:
Downstairs Bathroom:
Dining Room:
Garbage Can/Front Porch Area:
So, I'm not bragging or anything, but our house is REALLY nice. Except the fact that yesterday we had an ant infestation and they were inside ALL of my husband's cereal. Poor, poor Dyl :( But, we had the pest control come today and he sprayed inside and outside! (Let's hope those nasty little things are NO WHERE to be found!) And, to add to those little pesky things, my washer has been acting up. It wobbles around when it is on "spin mode" and pulls the plug out of the wall. NOT COOL. so, to solve that problem, I have been washing everything on "delicate" with the option of "no spin". With that being said, all of our clothes get washed, but they are SOPPING WET. Therefore, it takes about 2.5 hours to try them. PER LOAD. Oh yeah, it is a HUGE pain. But, it isn't too bad. I mean, at least we can wash our clothes in the comfort of our own home, rather than going to some old laundry mat with people staring and judging me. Not that would happen, but you know what I mean.

 But! Enough complaining, I am completely happy. Now, people, you may start asking how it feels to be married. I am actually WITH my husband! It is the best experience I have ever had. Unfortunately, he works all day, but, as he would say, he's "busy defining our country to protect our lives". Yeah, I hear that one at least once a day. ;) I am not working right now, so I hope I will be able to post some more. I really hope I get the time to. I know, I know. You're thinking to yourself "What could she possibly be doing while at home ALL day!?" I have your answer; I clean, cook, and watch Army Wives. Also, we have a good friend of ours staying with us. Her name is Emily and I 100% adore her. Her fiance is staying with us too, but like Dyl, he works all day, so Em and I enjoy our time together watching Army Wives and eating a bunch of food :) I even made cupcakes! Woo hoo! Anywhooooo, I must head out. My poor hubby is sick and is watching Iron Man 2, and I feel as if I should be hanging out with him. (Although, I don't know if that is what he feels!) ;) I promise I will try to post again soon.

Much love,
