Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mazer, Piper, and Shoes!

Howdy! I told you I'd try to post again soon! I have lots of exciting things that happened this week!

First off, on Tuesday, I finished my finals early (thank goodness they are over!) so I decided to go to my sisters. I drove thru Dunkin' Donuts, and then went over to her house. When I got there she was feeding littler Mazer (my niece, in case you forgot). When we were in the middle of talking and feeding Mazer, my mom called my sister. Turned out that my little brother was sick at school and she had to go get him. So what did that mean? Yup! You guessed it! I got to stay with little Mazer! And of course, I took some pictures! I know I promised pictures over a month ago, so here she is:

Isn't she just SO freakin' cute!? Ah, I love her! And she loves me... Obviously. I mean, who else would let me take 5,000 pictures and kiss their cheeks all day long!?

On Wednesday, little Piper was just being so dang adorable. Most of my friends who have had, or have, a hamster told me that they run around, make huge messes, never stay still, and make TONS of noise. Thank goodness I was blessed with a WONDERFUL hamster! Piper sleeps all through the night without making a noise AND he is calm! At night, he really enjoys just laying in my jacket pocket or snuggled up in the blanket next to me. He is so precious, I just HAD to take a picture of his cuteness in my jacket!

Adorable, right!? Piper is the best! I love every second I spend with him, and if I could take him every place I go, I definitely would!

On Thursday, I finished my last final for school. This semester is FINALLY over! PARTAY TIME! ;)

Last night, I went shopping with my mom to find some shoes to go with her ADORABLE Christmas Party dress! My dad and mom are going to her work party tonight! But besides that, while shopping last night for Piper and my mom's new heels, I found a pair of shoes I fell in love with. Obviously, I took a picture. I mean, why wouldn't I?

So cute right!? I know, I know. No need to tell me ;) I seriously have an obssession with shoes though... It's becoming a problem. But hey! Atleast I look cute, right!? ;)

But, that's all the exciting news I have for you. I'll try to post more exciting things tomorrow or on Sunday... That is, if anything else exciting happens. Have a great weekend, and make good decisions!



Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I know, I stink. Badly....

Not literally, figuratively. So these past few weeks have been super hectic. Between work and finals, I have had NO time for fun! Except one thing... I GOT A HAMSTER! His name is Piper, and he is the LOVE of my life! I obviously have taken some photos with him sooo....

He absolutely LOVES being held by me. I love it!

And!! He loves his little igloo I bought for him. He is SO spoiled already. I clean his cage, give him clean food and water DAILY. And it isn't some cheapo food and nasty tap water. I give him $10 a bag food and FILTERED water.

Seriously, if I would have known little Piper made me this happy, I would have considered getting him a friend before I got him! I LOVE HIM!

But, enough about my hamster... Next week, I am working an extra 6 hours... Until school starts up again. No biggie, its break so I can handle work and late nights. ;)

Unfortunately, it is time for me to go folks. I PROMISE I will make an effort to post sooner... Who knows, you might get another one tonight if Piper does something exciting ;)



Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Did you miss me?

I thought so!

These past few days have been absolutely CRAZY! I have been so busy I don't know what to do with myself, yet I still manage to make type to post on here... Go figure! Anyway, I was reorganizing my room and came across an old high school paper I had to write... The topic was to write about a quote you live by, and why you live by it. So, I thought it might be fun to share my favorite quote on here! It is as follows:
"When pride is lost, you can recover. When love is lost, you will find another. Make every challenge a great endeavor. Lose yourself, and you'll be lost forever." -Kevin Arsenault

I think I love this quote so much because it can be applied to every aspect of my life. The most important thing about it though is that you shouldn't  lose who you really are, or you'll never KNOW who you really are. Hmmm... deep right?

Anywho, My bed is calling my name, and Storage Wars is as well. Plus it is WAY past my bedtime... (It's 9:20pm.... I'm such an old lady!) Yikes!
I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving... and I promise I'll post some pictures soon!



Sunday, November 20, 2011

New To This

Why hello there!

I'm new to this so I apologize if my posts are kinda lame at first... I promise they'll get more interesting as time passes by! My sister (Mommy For Reals), cousin (Motherhood Nonsense), and a few other friends started blogs and I was jealous of theirs... so here is mine! I guess I should introduce myself....

My name is Lindsey, but if you must address me... call me Linds. I'm 18, soon to be 19 ( I can hardly wait!). I work MORE than full time at a used car lot in downtown Mesa. We sell cars to people with bad credit, so if you're interested visit and check out what we've got! I also am a full-time student at Chandler-Gilbert Community College... and I hate it. Well, not the school... The school is great. I think its just the fact that I have to wake up at 5:20AM to be to school early so I can get to work earlier.... As you can tell, I really don't have a life. In my "barely-there-spare-time", I usually hit up the movies. I LOVE MOVIES. And, I saw a preview for The Great Gatsby. I am so thrilled to see that. I fell IN LOVE with that book! But, enough about me...

My family is amazing, and I wouldn't change a single thing about them. I still reside in my parents house out in G-Town. I have a younger brother, Trevor, who is in 8th grade that lives with us as well... obviously. Just a few miles away is my sister, Danny, brother-in-law, Brent, and BEAUTIFUL niece, Clara Mae. (We like to call her Mazers). These are the people I am the closest with, and spend almost all my free-time with. I am so blessed to have them! :)

I don't think I have anything else to say, so I guess its time to blow this joint. (A term my daddy uses that makes me giggle).

